OTC improv
Improv shows and Classes
in Charlotte
"Ridiculously funny"
In a workshop that mixes corporate culture, improv, science, and humor, Paul gives actionable tips to nurture one’s business style. Whether your interest is in strengthening quick-thinking skills, enhancing active listening, improving adaptability during unforeseen circumstances, or using a sense of humor to encourage people to be creative, take risks, or nurture customer and coworker relationships, Paul's team building workshops teach all of these skills by nurturing the right side of the brain in a refreshingly candid course.
By fusing science, improv, creativity, and humor together, folks leave the event with exercises and takeaways that can be practiced at home instantly. Over the past decade, Paul has been fortunate to work with organizations sometimes more than 25 times including Ingersoll Rand, Duke University, Wells Fargo, UNCC, Compass Group, etc.
Over The Counter improv (OTC) has used its entertainment division for the last 16 years to perform improvisational shows for thousands of customers in the Charlotte area.
In addition, OTC has improv classes to help people overcome the fear of public speaking, enhance active listening, and participate in team building exercises.
Find out why almost every show and class has sold out for the past 16+ years!

Corporate Address:
Corporate Location:
Beta Test improv
9600 Providence Forest Lane
Charlotte, NC 28270
Over The Counter improv
9600 Providence Forest Lane
Charlotte, NC 28270